Unrideable MTB section, with an alternative on the Albarracín TE-05 road

The first six kilometres of the MTB route between Albarracín and Gea de Albarracín along the historical path are very tough for cyclists and it is difficult to cycle on much of the section. This stretch was eliminated in 2020 and the route has been partly moved to the cycling tourism route along the road to Bezas.
After the prehistoric rock-shelters, about 7km from Albarracín, turn left on to a firm earth track that goes directly to Gea. If you do not turn on to the track, the road also takes you to Gea. It’s a very nice section and you can’t miss the way.
Remember this when you’re on The MTB route of The Three Taifas.
Rev.: JGG 18.10.22